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Python漫游指南  影印版  英文版
Python漫游指南  影印版  英文版

Python漫游指南 影印版 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Kenneth Reitz,Tanya Schlusser著
  • 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787564173746
  • 页数:324 页
《Python漫游指南 影印版 英文版》目录

Part Ⅰ.Getting Started 3

1.Picking an Interpreter 3

The State of Python 2 Versus Python 3 3

Recommendations 4

So...3? 4

Implementations 5

CPython 5

Stackless 5

PyPy 6

Jython 6

IronPython 6

PythonNet 7

Skulpt 7

MicroPython 7

2.Properly Installing Python 9

Installing python on Mac OS X 9

Setuptools and pip 11

virtualenv 12

Installing Python on Linux 12

Setuptools and pip 13

Development Tools 13

virtualenv 15

Installing Python on Windows 15

Setuptools and pip 18

virtualenv 18

Commercial Python Redistributions 19

3.Your Development Environment 23

Text Editors 24

Sublime Text 25

Vim 25

Emacs 27

TextMate 28

Atom 29

Code 29

IDEs 29

PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA 31

Aptana Studio 3/Eclipse+LiClipse+PyDev 32

WingIDE 32

Spyder 33


Komodo IDE 33

Eric(the Eric python IDE) 34

Visual Studio 34

Enhanced Interactive Tools 35


IPython 35

bpython 36

Isolation Tools 36

Virtual Environments 36

Pyenv 38

Autoenv 39

virtualenvwrapper 39

Buildout 40

Conda 41

Docker 42

Part Ⅱ.Getting Down to Business 47

4.Writing Great Code 47

Code Style 47

PEP 8 48

PEP 20(a.k.a.The Zen of python) 49

General Advice 50

Conventions 56

Idioms 59

Common Gotchas 62

Structuring Your Project 65

Modules 66

Packages 69

Object-Oriented Programming 70

Decorators 72

DynamicTyping 73

Mutable and Immutable Types 74

Vendorizing Dependencies 76

Testing Your Code 76

Testing Basics 78

Examples 81

Other Popular Tools 84

Documentation 87

Project Documentation 87

Project Publication 88

Docstring Versus Block Comments 89

Logging 89

Logging in a Library 90

Logging in an Application 91

Choosing a License 93

Upstream Licenses 93

Options 94

Licensing Resources 95

5.Reading Great Code 97

Common Features 98

HowDoI 99

Reading a Single-File Script 99

Structure Examples from HowDoI 102

Style Examples from HowDoI 103

Diamond 105

Reading a Larger Application 106

Structure Examples from Diamond 111

Style Examples from Diamond 115

Tablib 118

Reading a Small Library 118

Structure Examples from Tablib 122

Style Examples from Tablib 130

Requests 132

Reading a Larger Library 132

Structure Examples from Requests 136

Style Examples from Requests 141

Werkzeug 146

Reading Code in a Toolkit 147

Style Examples from Werkzeug 154

Structure Examples from Werkzeug 155

Flask 162

Reading Code in a Framework 162

Style Examples from Flask 168

Structure Examples from Flask 169

6.Shipping Great Code 173

Useful Vocabulary and Concepts 174

Packaging Your Code 175

Conda 175

PyPI 176

Freezing Your Code 179

PyInstaller 181

cx_Freeze 182

py2app 184

py2exe 184

bbFreeze 185

Packaging for Linux-Built Distributions 186

Executable ZIP Files 187

Part Ⅲ.Scenario Guide 193

7.User Interaction 193

Jupyter Notebooks 193

Command-Line Applications 194

GUI Applications 202

Widget Libraries 202

Game Development 208

Web Applications 209

Web Frameworks/Microframeworks 210

Web Template Engines 213

Web Deployment 219

8.Code Management and Improvement 223

Continuous Integration 223

System Administration 224

Server Automation 226

System and Task Monitoring 231

Speed 233

Interfacing with C/C++/FORTRAN Libraries 243

9.Software Interfaces 249

Web Clients 250

Web APIs 250

Data Serialization 255

Distributed Systems 258

Networking 258

Cryptography 264

10.Data Manipulation 271

Scientific Applications 272

Text Manipulation and Text Mining 276

String Tools in Python's Standard Library 277

Image Manipulation 280

11.Data Persistence 283

Structured Files 283

Database Libraries 284

A.Additional Notes 301

Index 311
